Bradfield Cricket Club News story

Bradfield CC annual subs 2016

13 Mar 2016

Dear ##firstname##,

Following Jack's email about cricket this week, here are the details for paying your annual 2016 subs for Bradfield CC.

Adults : £50

Youths/concessions (16-18, further education etc) :  £25

How to pay :

1. Cash - bring to the club and give to me

2. Cheque payable to Bradfield Cricket Club

3. Online banking (preferred method)

Account : Bradfield Cricket Club

Sort code : 60-15-07

Account no. : 13707876

If paying online, please use the reference "subs"  with your name so it is clear who has paid (eg “Wilson subs”). It would also help if you could drop me an email to confirm that you have paid online.

Those who have already paid (many thanks!) : Chris Jones / Dave Balkissoon / Mike Goodwin / Nick Goodwin / Rich Atkinson / Rob Goodwin / Rich Lafford.



Tim Wilson | Treasurer | Bradfield Cricket Club
The Pavilion | Heath Road | Bradfield Southend | Berkshire | RG7 6HD
e: | t: 07881 501180