Bradfield Cricket Club News story

Help required : Laithwaite's summer party Thurs 14 July

29 Jun 2016

Dear ##firstname##,

Bradfield CC will again be hosting the annual Laithwaite’s summer staff party – between 350 and 400 Laithwaite’s staff are expected! 

Following the success of last year, they are hiring our pavilion and grounds and this will be our single biggest corporate event this year in terms of revenue (last year we took over £1,000). We have agreed to provide :

  • Beer and soft drinks, served from the pavilion
  • Cricket net plus tennis ball machine on the edge of the square
  • 2 x table tennis
  • Toilets (there will also be some temporary loos next to the pavilion)

We need club members to help out : setting up, serving drinks during the party and manning the net. We will keep a tab of drinks sold and will charge Laithwaites afterwards. The format will be similar to last year, with trestle tables serving drinks under the pavilion canopy.

A big marquee will be erected on Wednesday afternoon ready for the event. Laithwaite’s have asked that we all wear a BCC club shirt or white polo shirt to identify us. Food and entertainment is being provided, and any club members helping out can try out the various food stalls.


I attach a rota - please can you reply and let me know which 90 min shift you can help with (you can of course do more than 1!) so that we can finalise our plans for the day. I will send out an updated sheet next week.

Many thanks!



Tim Wilson | Treasurer | Bradfield Cricket Club
The Pavilion | Heath Road | Bradfield Southend | Berkshire | RG7 6HD
e: | t: 07881 501180