The 2025 season is almost here. Thanks to those of you that have already registered.
Winter training is less than 2 weeks away, and here is the important information you need to know.
- Winter Nets: dates, location and age-group timings
- Annual Subscriptions
- Youth cricket
- Adult cricket
- Women’s softball cricket
- Volunteering at the club
Friday 7th February - Friday 11th April 2025
St. Andrews School, Buckhold, Pangbourne RG8 8QA
(What3Words: alarm.elephants.emeralds)
U9s and U11s 6.30 - 7.30pm
U13s 7.30 - 8.30pm
U15s and Adults 8.30 - 10.00pm
Sessions will be run by Performance Cricket with assistance from our coaches. (Any questions on membership/training etc please contact )
Subscriptions cover all match fees and net sessions
£100: 2025 Youth and Ladies
£150: 2025 Adult subscriptions
(£100 concessions, unemployed and students)
Make relevant transfers with reference [your name] to:
Bradfield CC | Sort Code: 60-15-07 | A/C: 13707876
Youths must be registered via the online form and their subscriptions paid BEFORE first training session on Feb 7th 2025. Please fill the ONLINE FORM here. After you submit the form please pay the subscription fee. Only when BOTH actions have been completed, is your child then registered for the 2025 season.
Adults DO NOT need to fill in an online form. Existing adult members should pay their subscriptions as soon as possible prior to winter nets on February 7th.
Our Bradfield Kites Ladies are unbeaten this season, with two games remaining. Our women’s team will train at Elstree School in Woolhampton Hill, Upper Woolhampton, Reading RG7 5TD. Training is on Sundays from 10:00 to 11:00 starting on Sunday 9th February. New players of all abilities welcome for the coming season!
We are desperately short of volunteers. We currently require parent managers for the U9 and U11 teams.
Bradfield Cricket Club is run entirely by volunteers. There is a small committee that work tirelessly all year round to ensure cricket is accessible to as many youth, men and women as possible, as well as fulfilling our legal and community obligations as a Club. Even if you can run the bar, or the BBQ for one evening in the summer; or volunteer to help the coaches at the practice sessions or fulfil the role of team manager for your child’s age group team, we’d love to hear from you. Full training is provided for all roles, and you will always have support to lean on. Prior cricket experience is not necessary to fulfil the role of assistant coach or team manager. Please consider it.
Finally, we have vacancies on the Club Committee for people willing to contribute to the club's expansion and further the cricket experience for the all members of the club. If you feel that you can offer something and are willing to attend a monthly meeting (max 8 per year) we would like to hear from you. (More information available from )
Bradfield Cricket Club
The Pavilion | Heath Road | Bradfield Southend | Berkshire | RG7 6HD