Bradfield Cricket Club News story

Bradfield CC Update

13 Mar 2022

Dear all,

i hope you are well. We wanted to give you an update on Annual subscriptions, the Clubs AGM, work parties and Presidents Day.

Adult Annual subscriptions are again this year £100 with concessions at £50. Thank you for those who have already paid.  Match fees for Saturday games will remain at £5 per match in light of the fact that there will be no teas offered, unless pre-arranged with the opposition.

Please can you add the club bank details to your online banking so you are able to make payments to the club easily through the mobile app when at the ground if required.  Important NOTE - for any bank transfers, please indicate in the information who the payment is coming from. 

Account Name: Bradfield Cricket Club

Sort Code: 60-15-07

Account Number: 13707876

Account Type: Business Account

The AGM will be held on Thursday 07th April in the pavilion at 7:30pm. As we have not had an AGM for a couple of years due to COVID, it would be great if we could see as many members there on the night to vote in club officials for the coming season and to receive an update on the clubs position going forward. The bar will of course be open on the night!

There will also be a work party on Saturday 09th April at the club in order to get it match ready for the upcoming season. If you could spare a few hours on the morning it would be appreciated. Remember it is everyone's club!

The date for the Presidents Day has been finalised for Sunday 24th April at BCC with a 12pm start. We hope to have a tea organised for the day. This is always a great day, and the first opportunity to get some outside match practice in before the season starts. The fixture is on the clubs website, as are all the fixtures for the coming season. Please start to put you availability up for this match and others as early as possible so captains can get an idea of playing numbers.

Finally, a reminder that winter nets continue at St Andrews School on Friday nights for the next few weeks. It would be great to see as many of you there, and if you have friends who want to get back into cricket or even give it a go, please bring them along.

Best wishes

Chris Jones

Bradfield Cricket Club Committee