Dear ##firstname##,
The news I am sure you have all been waiting for! CRICKET IS BACK!
Indoor nets start next week on Friday 1st February at St Andrews School Sports Centre.
6.30 - 7.30pm for U9s and U11s
7.30 - 8.30pm for U13s and U15s
8.30 - 9.30pm for Adults
Attached is a letter containing all details regarding training/subs etc and a Player Profile Form to be completed and returned
These will also be available to pick up at training sessions
Hope to see you all on Fridays over the next 10 weeks
David Brown
David Brown | Chairman | Bradfield Cricket Club
The Pavilion | Heath Road | Bradfield Southend | Berkshire | RG7 6HD
e: | t: 07769 705222
Attachments : Youth Letter 2019.pdf, BCC Player Profile 2019.pdf