Dear ##firstname##,
In preparation for the season which is now only a few weeks away, we are holding a NatWest Cricket Force Day to help get the grounds and pavilion ready for the new season.
If you can spare a couple of hours, please come along and help out. We have made a great improvement to the driveway already but there is still a lot to be done so bring a shovel/rake/wheelbarrow and get stuck in - only another 10 tonnes of planings to move/rake and roll in.
We need to do work on the grounds as well as some painting and putting up the sightscreens, so there should be jobs for everyone.
Tea/coffee and bacon rolls included
See you on Saturday
David Brown
David Brown | Welfare Officer | Bradfield Cricket Club
The Pavilion | Heath Road | Bradfield Southend | Berkshire | RG7 6HD
e: | t: 07769 705222