Dear ##firstname##,
Further to Dave Brown's emails about winter nets starting this Friday at Theale Green Sports Centre, please find below details of costs and how to pay.
Adults : either pay £5 per session or £30 for the whole winter season (10 sessions)
Youths/concessions (16-18, further education etc) : either pay £2.50 per session or £15 for the winter season
Juniors : £50 annual membership covers all winter nets, match fees and training.
How to pay :
1. Cash - bring on the night and give to me or Dave
2. Cheque payable to Bradfield Cricket Club
3. Online banking (preferred method)
Account : Bradfield Cricket Club
Sort code : 60-15-07
Account no. : 13707876
If paying online, please use the reference "nets" or "subs" with your name so it is clear who has paid (eg “Wilson nets”). It would also help if you could drop me an email to confirm that you have paid online.
Please note the new times :
7:00pm - 8:30pm Juniors
8:30pm - 10:00pm Adults
The cost has been kept the same as last year, so represents even better value given that we have an extra 30 mins for each group!
Many thanks, see you on Friday.
FYI - free hot snacks will be served back at the BCC pavilion after nets.
Tim Wilson | Treasurer | Bradfield Cricket Club
The Pavilion | Heath Road | Bradfield Southend | Berkshire | RG7 6HD
e: | t: 07881 501180